I'm about to SHOW you 3 commonly ignored signals girls usually gives so you can take advantage of them and easily "shoot your shot". Sex-ed to sexism: New series explores being a woman in Germany and ...
But then, why am I qualified to teach you?

Well, my name is Nengak Godwin. I'm a dating coach for guys. And the founder of "Dating Secrets Hub". And inside the group I've been showing over 367+ guys how to attract pretty women & girls into their lives...and have a better "Sekz" life.

And a lot of them have been coming back with awesome testimonies.(especially in my FB group). One of them, even came surprised that "girls are now chasing him". It's crazy.

But, I need you to understand this...

I'm NOT doing this for entertainment.

I want raise an army of super-driven guys who'll soon become so damn good at getting girls.

So if you're the lazy type. Abegi, just stop reading this. Because, I want you to pick up lessons from what I'll be sharing. Then, go out there and start practicing them.

Don't just read and relax.

So, with that out of the way.

Let's begin...

Let me tell you a short story.

Back in the days.

When I was in J.S.S 2 in high school. I used to be a very SHY guy. I didn't used to feel free to express myself around Girls.

As in bah... Whenever I see a "fine geh" I have a crush on. My heart will start beating fast. And then, I'll start feeling nervous like say dem ask one dummy to stand in front of class to answer a hard question.

And he knows they'll laugh at him for giving the wrong answer.

But, fast forward to today.

Omo. Nengak don get mind. Lol.

I fit stand in front of babe and talk to her like say na my junior sister.

So, how was I able to overcome that fear of approaching girls I like?

Well, it's a long story.

I'll tell you some other time.

Back to our topic.

My guy. You see, most times, when a girl likes you. She can't just start coming to toast you directly.


This is because, right from history. Up till date. In the African society... It's almost always seen as a taboo for a GIRL to openly tell you she likes you first.

So this social conditioning has made them a kind of reserved. They'll do their best to hide their true intends even if they're itching to let you know.

So how can you tell if she LIKES you or not?

They usually do this using cues and some non-verbal ways.

Let me break it down for you, my guy.

Although, there are so many signs.

But, I'll only show you about 3 of them today.

1.) Giggles & Laughs: this is usually when you say something that is not really comic but she still finds it funny. Or at times. She just sees you and keeps maintaining eye contact for a while, then keeps smiling at you.

2.) Hair Touching: girls are fond of gently playing with their hair around guys they have a crush on. If you notice a girl doing this when you guys are taking then she's likely into you.

Now, this may sound too good to be true.

But, it's psychological and it's something they usually do subconsciously. Without even thinking about it.

I mean, they just can't help it.

If you think this is not real...

Then, it means you're too logical. And we're talking of girls here. I mean, tender creatures that are largely driven by emotions.

Okay? So, f**k logic.

3.) Communication: this is usually in form of verbal or non-verbal ways.

For instance; she'll try so hard to talk to you. Or maybe, just ask you a question about something so you can talk to her.

Personally, I've had several instances where a girl will even know something but deliberately ask me questions about it.

They do this to know more about you. Or see if you're a potential date.

So they can get close to you, more faster.

At times, she'll ask someone your name and keep calling you almost everytime with a sexy voice so you can notice her.

Let's say I meet her for the first time and I press her emotional buttons correctly(topic for another day).

And then, I collect her number. And also save it with her name. And I leave.

Before I know it...

She'll start calling me in a sexy way with my name. Whenever she sees me.


The first time it happened. I was kind of shock. Until I later realized that girls like to do that to guys they have a crush on.

Another Way Is...

They start tapping your shoulder. Sometimes she'll even touch you gently and say something like; "Hi, how's your bla, bla, bla..."

Then pause and expect you to say something(which is why it's good to know how to start a conversation with girls...)

Because, that will also determine if she'll start avoiding you like most guys or see you as a badass guy she'll like to kiss, date and even sleep with.

AND, here's the truth...

Knowing if a Girl likes you is not ENOUGH. She may show you "green light" today, and begin to "form class" the next day for you.

Heck, she may even snub you and start calling someone who's close to you with sweet words like;

"sweetheart", "my love" "darling", and that's if you don't even see her kissing or realize she's sleeping with someone who's not even BETTER than you... And that's why you need to bear these 3 THINGS in mind.