The social giant announced on Friday the item will soon require advertisers — especially political candidates — to disclose more information about their advertising efforts on the platform as the company seeks to temper concerns coming from the U.S. Congress about Russian meddling inside the 2016 presidential election.

Facebook’s completely new policies include labeling political ads so they’re easier to identify, along with also creating a catalogue of these along with also various other ads so users can see how much advertisers are paying along with also who they are targeting.

yet many of the modifications intended to create more transparency don’t appear to address the most problematic ads purchased last year by Kremlin-backed, online trolls. These ads, referred to as “issue ads,” sought to stir social along with also political unrest inside the United States around issues like Black Lives Matter, not necessarily to promote candidates like Donald Trump.

Still, the announcements Friday come as Facebook prepares for what could be a brutal grilling before the House along with also Senate Intelligence Committees. The panels are investigating Russia’s suspected interference inside the 2016 presidential election, along with also they’ll also hear coming from senior executives at Google along with also Twitter during back-to-back hearings on Nov. 1.

Under the completely new policy, Facebook can be producing two completely new, key demands of its broad universe of advertisers.

First, political campaigns along with also advocacy groups which seek to run election-time ads about a federal candidate must indicate — to the company along with also users alike — which they’re doing so. Those ads, when presented to Facebook users, will have a completely new feature in which viewers can swipe up to learn more about the political candidate.

Meanwhile, Facebook will set up a completely new hub for all advertisers — political or otherwise — where users can see all current ad campaigns running on the site. For these ads, marketers will also have to share basic demographic targeting information.

Facebook plans to begin testing these completely new disclosure policies in Canada before rolling them out inside the United States in time for the 2018 midterm elections. Initially, they’ll only show active ads, the company said in a blog post Friday. yet once the completely new system rolls out inside the U.S., Facebook will begin building a searchable, four-year archive of political ads run on its site.

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Facebook isn’t the only company promising greater transparency around political ads. Twitter, for example, has revealed its own modifications designed to make political ads more transparent, similar to Facebook’s completely new policies. Google might soon do the same. along with also all of these pledges seem designed with one goal in mind: Staving off federal regulation.

Lawmakers like Sen. Mark Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, are pushing potential completely new laws which could require large tech along with also advertising platforms to make much more information available about the political ads they run. yet Facebook along with also its peers haven’t exactly endorsed the plan, called the Honest Ads Act. Instead, they’ve sought to prove they can regulate themselves.

For its part, Facebook disagreed with the assessment which its announcements Friday are meant to ward off the U.S. Congress.

“We are trying to urgently fix the problem,” said Rob Goldman, the company’s vice president of product for ads along with also pages, in an interview before the announcement. He stressed which the company “feel[s] strongly about what happened.”

Previously, though, Facebook lobbied against more extensive political ad disclosure rules. along with also the company’s chief executive, Mark Zuckerberg, also initially rejected the influence of Russian trolls on his own platform before ultimately admitting which dismissal was a bad idea. Facebook then promised to hire 1,000 completely new workers to monitor ads.

Still, the completely new details announced Friday might not satisfy Facebook’s federal overseers. For one thing, the modifications don’t apply to those so-called “issue ads” — think political endeavors around immigration, gun control or gay rights which don’t actually involve a federal candidate by name.

the item’s precisely those sort of ads which Russian trolls purchased around the 2016 election. At times, suspicious Kremlin-tied profiles along with also pages even took both sides of controversial issues inside the hopes of creating social along with also political tensions on the platform. yet they could only trigger Facebook’s completely new transparency guidelines if they mentioned a candidate by name. The completely new bill by Warner along with also crew, in contrast, seems to cover these issue-based ads.

along with also Facebook’s revised system can be largely the stuff of self regulation: The burden can be on political candidates along with also campaigns, as well as their allies, to disclose their efforts to Facebook. For at This kind of point, the company hopes which’s enough — along with also believes its users, on top of its previous pledges to invest more in people along with also technology to monitor ads, can spot anyone failing to self-identify as a political advertiser.

Nevertheless, the announcements by Facebook on Friday still amount to a completely new, major change for the company, as the item endeavors to demystify why its users see the ads they do. Even with limited information about ad targeting centralized in one place — data including age along with also gender — viewers along with also watchdog groups alike can keep closer watch over the platform.